As written in the bible: If the second coming of Christ happened today, what would Christ look like, how would he act, what would he do, and how would the world receive him? Also as written, the Antichrist will come into power; who is he and what is his plan?

Beth, eight months pregnant waits outside the jailhouse to see Daniel, the father of her child, who is inside fighting for his life on a murder charge. After being convicted, Daniel, a martial arts expert, is doing all he can to survive while Beth raises their son alone. As Justin grows, it becomes clear he has a Devine gift and begins performing miracles which gain media attention.

Meanwhile in Paris, FBI Agent James Adams takes down a terrorist cell and he uncovers a mysterious dagger with a serpent-engraved handle and a cryptic computer file he cannot decipher. With his partner Agent Sara Kimball, they begin an international terror investigation, and with the help of a CIA Agent, they break the code which leads them to a world leader who has come into power. As the investigation unfolds, it takes then to Pinehaven, Vermont where they discover a connection between their suspect and Justin. Adams knows that good must prevail over evil, but does he have the ability and fortitude make this happen.

Is this international conspiracy uncovered by the agents powerful enough to destroy the world?